Our Approach to Dental SEO

Like many professionals, you offer a number of dental services that are outlined on your website. In order to maximize your return on investment, we will work with you to assess the best target services that you offer in your area, whether it is emergency dental, integrated aesthetic care, implants, orthodontic or pediatric services.

With our SEO services, we intercept the patients when they are looking for your services. Once we identify the services that we will be targeting, we will then begin optimizing your website’s search presence, while offering you reporting options that help you make sound business decisions about your expenditures.

Targeted Keyword Search

Keywords are a major part of a successful SEO marketing campaign. We use industry-leading SEO tools and reports that are tailored to your key performance indicators. We will work with you to brainstorm ideal keywords that reflect the services provided by your practice. As an ongoing process, SEO requires a nuanced approach to keyword selection, which includes the services you offer as well as your locale. In part, our work tailors the specific keywords that a potential patient might search – rather than someone simply researching different dental techniques online.

In our SEO practice, we focus on how people search for the dental services you offer, thus making it easier for them to find your specific practice. An important part of SEO marketing is staying on top of the relevant keywords. As such, our SEO services are on-going, as popular keywords and phrasings are constantly evolving. The more specific and diverse the keyword list and the more tailored the keywords to your dental practice and location, the more likely it is that traffic to your site will increase.

Think of your dental practice’s website as the threshold for patients to get their foot in the door. With targeted keywords, visits to your website are more likely to translate to patients in your dental chair.

Optimized On-Site Content

We use advanced SEO techniques to get you more dental patients. Quality content is one of the most important elements of your dental website for several reasons. In building the website, we work with you to tailor the content to information searched for by potential patients in your area. We’ll tailor the general content on your website, seamlessly integrating relevant keywords that provide information to visitors to your site, while providing clear and accessible information on dental services.

With original content that is constantly refreshed through blog posts, we continue to integrate relevant keywords while also drawing more visitors to the site. Unique, up-to-date content on current dental practices, benefits around dental treatment, and other related news items all will also function as a platform for integrating keywords that support your website’s ranking.

Off-Site Marketing Services

We submit your information to important directories, ensuring that your practice details are public. Behind-the-scenes SEO services are just as important as content that appears on the website. In the same way that “word of mouth” advertising works, off site SEO uses backlinks to connect your website to other sites. Off site locations that may link back to your dental practice’s website include social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or professional online directories. Having a positive and ubiquitous presence elsewhere on the internet – guest writing on professional dental blogs, professional dental organization websites and articles – may provide more traffic to your practice’s website. This works in conjunction with on site services – the more interesting dental-related content you provide, the more potential linking you may have. At the same time, creating links on your site to other partner websites could provide a boost.

of online experiences begin with a search engine

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